Tuesday 22 May 2012

According to the Mayan calendar, something massive was supposed to happen on Sunday night, 20th May, 2012. Don't know if it did, but had a revelation last night that felt pretty huge. The end of one thing, the beginning of another. Well, yes, felt like that. And the revelations came through dreams. They're things I've always known, but I really felt them this time, deep in my abdomen. Solar plexis, I'd say. It's really about love. Everything stems from it, true, reciprocated love. That's what it has to be. And it frees you. You can touch, be open, be yourself, be. And everything that comes from that is good. And that old saying about a life lived in fear is a life half-lived. Even less than half-lived. Well, you do not even have to be like that yourself. If you're around people who live like that, eventually, it will drag you down. And the other dream? I was at an initiation ceremony. To become a vegetarian. Only I was eating fish I'd cooked myself. It looked exactly the same as the vegetarian fish. Was sort of funny.

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