Hooray! Thank you again to everyone who has read the Meeting Coty book they requested and for sending in their reviews. Again, I've cut the parts giving away plot. Here are two more:
"Meeting Coty Review"
by Jules Walsh
"This book is about people and family dynamics. It is also about responsibility and love and choosing your future. What really fascinated me was the different characters and how they related to each other. I really liked the eldest sister, Maraquita and I'd like to know more about her. She is very strong, physically and emotionally, but she's also very fragile. I think she just wants to be loved and she tries really hard to get her mother to notice her, but her mother never does except to tell her off! I think she hates her.
Tessa is the main character in the book. She is the perfect heroine. She is pretty and everyone loves her. This could make her annoying, but she always gets into trouble. And we can related to how she is feeling. I remember finishing with a boyfriend and I really didn't like him, but I didn't want him to get over me and go out with anyone else. Tessa is the same and I laughed because I could related to that.
I didn't like Mrs Garcia. I thought she was mean to her children but the writer made me understand her too. She was really mean to Maraquite because she made her carry some flowers when she knew she had hayfever. I thought the writer was really inventive with things like this. I was quite shocked at times.
I would recommend this book to anyone really. It's romantic without being slushy and it's unusual in the way it shows us things. The writer told me that the next book is longer and goes into more detail about Francois Coty and the perfume industry and I also want to know if Tessa has made the right choice.
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