"Meeting Coty Review"
by Heather Cross
Meeting Coty is about a girl called Tessa Garcia who wants to work for the perfume maker Francois Coty. It is set from about 1910 to 1920 something. Tessa lives with her spanish family in London and the book is about all the people in the family and how they all want different things and don't want what they have and how they fall out and how some get on and some don't. I really liked all this as it seemed very real. The unusual thing was that all the pictures and things they were doing. The way the writer puts things seems to belong to the time it was set which I thought was very clever. It made me think that I was in a different world which I liked. It also seemed as if the people would be exactly the same now and they would have the same fall outs and problems. Tessa is very keen to go to work, but everything seems to stop her. Her dad doesn't want her to work, even her sister doesn't. And she doesn't need to work either, which her dad tells her. He says jobs should go to people who need it. I hadn't thought about that before, so that was interesting. And then Tessa meets Sandes and she falls in love and that takes up all her time. But then the other characters in the book make her think of what life is going to be like in the future and the rest of the book is about what she is going to do. I couldn't guess, so I kept reading. I couldn't put the book down. And lots of people die, but I won't tell you who but it's really sad and it surprised me.
I'm looking forward to the next book so I can see what happens next. I want to know more about all the characters as I feel I really like them. It's only a short book and you can't put it down so it doesn't take long. I never read books more than once but I'm going to read this again until the other one comes out.
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