The third review of Meeting Coty. Again, apologies for the plot details I have taken out of the review.
"Meeting Coty Review"
by Helen Brookes
"I felt this would make a great film. You can see it in front of you as you're reading it. I could imagine Tessa and her family in the house getting ready in the mornings and how chaotic and noisy the house was. And I liked the fact that people didn't think normally or went about things normally. It took me by surprise loads of times. It was very original in that and in the way it was written as well. Very clever. I did wonder what was going on sometimes as things happened very quickly without a big explanation and I thought I'd missed something, but then I liked that as it wasn't talking down to me and it made me feel that I was actually quite bright! Some books ram things down your throat and treat you as if you're thick. This book didn't do that. Some films do that too and I really hate that.
The story isn't as soppy as I thought it was going to be. It's not just a love story, in fact it's an odd love story. It's more about growing up, really, which I found has helped me see that things we think are good can be but they aren't always good for us, if you know what I mean.I would definitely recommend it."
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