I'm trying to view the world differently. It's so easy to react to someone in the same way that we have been reacting for years, even when we don't really know what they are going to say. I was talking about how we resort to with someone the other night about, for example, 'our position in the family' or are childhood place in the friendship group. A parent can say something in a certain way and we immediately, with a knee jerk reaction respond in the age old way we always have, could be defensive, could be to roll our eyes at the ceiling. What an image. A sibling can ask a question or make a comment and we immediate lose the plot. These are examples. We are different things to different people and they are to us. Can we change this? This is what I'm trying to do after a week or two of low level conflict. And it's me who is in control. Must look in the mirror every morning and tell myself that. I can change the way I react. I can really 'hear' what they are saying and not assume. We're all human, we all have reasons why we behave or say things in a certain way. Listen. Sometimes I think we have all stopped listening. There's too much noise around. Too much clutter to look at. Must talk about G.K. Chesterton. This will remind me. What he said about advertising bill boards. Cluttering up our landscape with the trivial. I'll look up what he said. I keep thinking I want to write about him. Like Coty, most people don't know about him, the man who, Like Mother Shipton said so many truths about the future before they actually happened. And please don't tell me you don't know who Mother Shipton is.
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