I've been preparing a talk for a sixth form college for next week and thinking about writing and Meeting Coty and things I've done and people I've met, I felt inspired again. It's easy to forget when you're feeling a bit down what drives us on. Today, preparing the talk and reminding myself why Francois Coty is so interesting, what I love about exploring ideas has given me a kick out of my bit of wallowing. Yes, sorry, I have wallowed a bit. In defence of that though, I have tried to think why I've felt down. In fact, I suppose I'm very lucky to have the time and circumstances to wallow in my down-ness. Yet another thing to remember. Maybe I shouldn't remember, just appreciate.
So, Coty, the man who gave us mass marketing and themed products and packaging. Who was a salesman extraordinaire, who made perfume affordable instead of only for the rich. Who brought it into department stores and not merely chic, exclusive boutiques. He has a lot to answer for and we don't know that he did all this. And he made very, very good perfume into the bargain. And wore a blingy ring and dyed his hair blond.
What a man!
And Tessa, the main character of Meeting Coty. She is complicated.
See? I'm all inspired all over again. The piccie at the top is from a performance of Juba do Leao. Inspiring band!There. Linked it so neatly to the theme of this blog...
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