Tuesday, 28 May 2013

THE MONSTER BELT The Monster Belt is an area between two latitudes in the northern hemisphere where mythical creatures live. However, 21 year old Jess Winter suspects that monsters aren't confined to physical dimensions. She knows all about such things, living as she does in the remote Yorkshire village of Hawksmoor, smack bang in the middle of what is known in the right circles, as The Belt. Myth has it that Hawksmoor cradles its very own monster that drowns kids who dare to swim in the local lake. It’s a place Jess avoids because of its underground tunnels and caves. They remind her of the crevices and passageways in her head where other monsters lie. Sun-bronzed Harris White is looking for the creature that killed his best friend, Jonty, ten years ago in the aquamarine waters of the Mediterranean. Driven by guilt, Harris won’t stop until he finds what he is looking for. He saw it take his friend. He looked it in the eye. He knows first-hand that monsters exist. Summer. The annual Crypto Zoology Convention has descended on Hawksmoor. Jess and Harris meet for the first time. Two days later, The Mere Monster claims yet another victim, thirteen year old Jordan King. Like Harris’ friend, his body cannot be found. And likewise, nor can the killer. When Jess agrees to join Harris in searching for the creature that murdered Jonty, she reads the book he has written about his quest and between the pages, Harris’ experiences blur with her reality. Denmark, France and ferries. On their way towards Spain, their quest is interrupted by the news that Jordan King’s body has been found. They return to Hawksmoor and Harris and Jess are forced to face what they fear most. Monsters are closer than we think and they can take on surprisingly mundane forms. Harris returns to the scene of Jonty’s death, just off the island of Formentera and Jess to employment in London where she finds monsters come in all sorts of guises. The following year. The Crypto Zoology Convention is in town again and Harris has brought a souvenir of Jonty’s killer to show everyone. Jess finally has to confront the monster that has plagued her dreams and every aspect of her waking life for the past six years. And the Mere Monster? It’s about to be unleashed.

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