Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Monster Belt - Chapter 14

Monster Belt - Chapter 14 Harris pushed an old rowing boat away from the jetty, before slotting the oar he had used into its cradle and with long, sweeping strokes, brought them into open water. Opposite, fair-haired Sonja languished, one hand trailing. Held outside the pages, curled in her seat in the ferry lounge as if banished to the shore, Jess read on. Soon, wind off the lake chilled. Her eyes raced along the sentences and without knowing exactly when it happened, she sat in the boat with them, clenching her hands into fists around his, rowing forwards and back, reaching as far as she could in front and then pulling against him. Forward and back, stretching out then curving their spines, his breath warm on her neck and the tall woman opposite, unflinching in her seat. Jess would do all she could to remain between them, keeping Harris safe from whatever this woman threatened and within no time, she pulled him with her, taking control, forwards and back, muscles tensed then relaxed, feeling the movement in the other, staring directly into Sonja's deadened eyes.

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