Monday, 14 May 2012

Biodanza. Still surprises me every time. Yesterday in the two Valencias, we did 'Identity' and 'Sensuality.' Felt empowered then serene and full of love! Love for self and others. I stood taller and felt strong in who I am and that I can be myself with others. Touch, oh my god, touch! We're told 'don't touch this or that, you can't touch each other..' It's what we all need and respond to. And we were stars! We stood as individual stars because star molecules, whatever the term, is inside us, then we lay down, toes touching, stretched as stars because galaxies of stars exist out there. Humans are no different from animals, stars, birds...we qualify each other, blossom together, work well and develop through others. And it is impossible to answer the question, 'who are you?' because in five life times we'll never have explored who we are. We're all mysteries. Biodanza is about feeling, not analysing, but this is one way of sharing, even though only touching on the surface of what it does.

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