Thursday, 31 May 2012

Book Printers

Createspace or Lightning Source? Lightning Source or Createspace? Which to be the printers for Erosion? Createspace are USA based so shipping a real slow process to here. Being based in the UK, this has made my decision for me. Lightning Source it is. Registering process begun. When that is approved, can then upload the manuscript, cover etc. As they're owned by Ingrams and have great distribution, then have to go with them too. Patience. I haven't grasped you yet, but one day, one day, or is that fighting my nature just a little too much? Will keep you posted on the process.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

According to the Mayan calendar, something massive was supposed to happen on Sunday night, 20th May, 2012. Don't know if it did, but had a revelation last night that felt pretty huge. The end of one thing, the beginning of another. Well, yes, felt like that. And the revelations came through dreams. They're things I've always known, but I really felt them this time, deep in my abdomen. Solar plexis, I'd say. It's really about love. Everything stems from it, true, reciprocated love. That's what it has to be. And it frees you. You can touch, be open, be yourself, be. And everything that comes from that is good. And that old saying about a life lived in fear is a life half-lived. Even less than half-lived. Well, you do not even have to be like that yourself. If you're around people who live like that, eventually, it will drag you down. And the other dream? I was at an initiation ceremony. To become a vegetarian. Only I was eating fish I'd cooked myself. It looked exactly the same as the vegetarian fish. Was sort of funny.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Available now on Fiction, paperback, £9.99 And soon elsewhere. Keep asking at Bookshops.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Facebook Posts

‎"This isn’t just a change like a turn in the road, this is a deordering, a reordering, it’s telekinesis, a complete revision. This is meta, a metamorphosis, this is transubstantiation, a progressive unstoppable development. This is mental, physical, universal, this is memory. Forget distance and time, this isn’t unspecified or unknown, this isn’t here and now, this is everywhere and every time. This isn’t feeling or thinking, ancient or futuristic. This isn’t about ecosystems, human beings, humanity, humankind, existence or nonexistence, inner being or outer being, spirit or soul. This isn’t finite, not a requisite or prerequisite, a selection or an election. This isn’t moral or emotional, spiritual or immaterial, it’s not about performance or identity, the cosmos or the universe. It’s not inherent or ingrained, instinctive or religious, it’s not native or basic, not an aim or a use, it’s not a reflection or a deception, it’s not a work of art. It’s anything you want it to be." Someone I know posted this on Facebook. This is one of the reasons the site is so useful. We can pass on thoughts, information, start conversations, petitions, trains of thought, actions, images, whatever we want to share. So thank you to all those who post things we want to reread and think about.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Biodanza. Still surprises me every time. Yesterday in the two Valencias, we did 'Identity' and 'Sensuality.' Felt empowered then serene and full of love! Love for self and others. I stood taller and felt strong in who I am and that I can be myself with others. Touch, oh my god, touch! We're told 'don't touch this or that, you can't touch each other..' It's what we all need and respond to. And we were stars! We stood as individual stars because star molecules, whatever the term, is inside us, then we lay down, toes touching, stretched as stars because galaxies of stars exist out there. Humans are no different from animals, stars, birds...we qualify each other, blossom together, work well and develop through others. And it is impossible to answer the question, 'who are you?' because in five life times we'll never have explored who we are. We're all mysteries. Biodanza is about feeling, not analysing, but this is one way of sharing, even though only touching on the surface of what it does.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Question of the Day

The question that has preoccupied me for some time now, is, when is it too late? I could be talking about saving the planet, a country, a system, business, health, a life, friendship, relationship, love affair...anything. The answer will vary in time scale, but inevitably, at some point, in all these things, it will be too late.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Are they the most important thing in our lives? Should they be? Why should they be? What else could be more important? Time to work this out? And then acting on our conclusion? Human nature can be funny, scary, endearing, shocking, terrifying, soothing. Many things. Can we cope with teh extremes? Can we cope with extremes? Is living on a plateau satisfying? Leading to contentment...what makes us content? Is this what we aim for? Or living? In all its extremes? And a photograph. Does it really capture what is going on? Or beneath the smiles, the laughter, people are crying and after that moment of tears, there is laughter? The whole picture. What is the whole picture? Pixels?

Monday, 7 May 2012

Do you believe in horoscopes?

Horoscope for today: Happy? Content? Or merely pretending? Be honest. If you're happy, expect an honor or reward from your past creative efforts. If you're pretending, use this realization to embark on a new path to get there. You create your own happiness. Think about it!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


The time will come when, with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror, and each will smile at the other's welcome, and say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself, to the stranger who has loved you all your life, whom you ignored for another, who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, the photographs, the desperate notes, peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life. Derek Walcott.

May 1st

May 1st. May Day. Sounds a good day for a new start. Right. Have made a decision, now need to implement it. There are several ways to do this. 1) Will power. 2) Move away. The second option gives me space and time to build up strength to use 1) However, obligations mean I can't choose 2), so it has to be 1) and lots of it! Sounds like a plan to me.