Someone said to me a while ago, 'I've read your book.' They stood half in and half out of my kitchen. They smiled, glass in hand. 'I've read your book. Bet you're surprised.'
So. What did you think of it? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Did I ask that? No. Stupidly no. There were quite a few people around. I bottled out. Have to say I was surprised. And at that point not sure enough of myself. Luckily now I think I could ask. But at the time I was surprised they had read it and surprised they thought that comment was enough. Even if we pretend we don't want or need it, everyone needs feedback on something they've done. Could be the washing up. 'Well done for doing the washing up.' 'I think you've done a brilliant job.' 'Good work.'
Another time.
A week or two ago someone else told me they were in the local bookshop looking for a book. They saw my book. Thought 'Ah. I know the writer. Nice cover. Nice looking book.' She told me this. A pretty full hairdressers.
And then she told me what she liked about the actual book. And it was very useful and good to hear.
She liked the short chapters. The simplicity of it. The way each chapter was mainly complete in itself.
She didn't like the way the father changed even though she understood it.
Thank you for that. Genuinely thank you. It helps.
And the next book on Coty - complete in itself, not a taster as Meeting Coty in some ways is, is quite different. Longer chapters. Ending in cliff hangers in the main. Though one or two are complete in themselves. A longer novel. More complications.
But the writing is similar in style and the characters the same with three or four additions.
Surprise if anyone reads it? No. I hope I won't be surprised if people I know read it. I'm hopeful. Hopeful and excited.
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