Ah. Oliva inbetween Valencia and Alicante. A haven. I need longer to take you through the drive from Alicante airport in the early evening light, past mountains on our left and the sea on our right, to driving through narrow one way roads in the old part of Oliva in the dark trying to find a tiny alley, the oldest street in Oliva, that was on the right when the google map said it was on the left. A dark, long-haired, tiny woman pushing a, what looked like four-year old girl who repeated everything she said, in a pram, answered our call for help and showed us the way, via an incident of us turning the car around when I couldn't get it in reverse (couldn't all week), so two cars coming the other way squeeeezed past, losing her at the bottom of a hill where there was a sharp turn, nowhere to park, parking on a sandy corner amongst other cars, asking two hopeless, drunk spanish women the way, showing them the map, they hadn't a clue, our fairy godmother with trainee godmother in tow, gesturing, about 'us english, eyes everywhere but where should be, shooting off....' We walked with her and she showed us the way. Hugs, kisses, laughs, shrugs and we climbed up the steep, walking only, Calle de la Hoz. Yes!! That was our destination. Back to the car, collect the case and bags and back to our haven. In the dark. What was the next day to bring we wondered as we devoured a packet of Fox's Cream biscuits we'd brought with us? Prior to this, a lovely, helpful, spanish only, terrible map drawing garage owner with a dog, had raised his eyes and said the place was dangerous and watch my two daughters...
We laughed that the episode was like the arrival of the heroines to the villa in Italy in the film 'Enchanted April' when they are met for their stay by a servant with a horse and carriage in the pouring rain in the middle of the night. He grabs their cases, runs off to the carriage with them. They follow, waving their brollies, a carriage ride worthy of a Hammer Horror Dracula...and the next morning, opening shutters to blue skies, sun dappled water, red geraniums and smiles. Sleep and let's see.
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