Friday, 11 June 2010

Film and Television

Watched a programme about Bobby Moore last night. Of course, England winning the 1966 World Cup cropped up. Very interesting seeing our country a few decades ago, hearing people speak, the politeness and respect and the unassuming way of many. Of course, there were problems in the FA and clubs but being a footballer seemed to mean wanting to play the game. Let's just say, they weren't very well paid. Oh, and everyone loved Bobby Moore. You could see why. Cue more tears. Not just from me.

But then watched the film, "Wolf Creek." I was expecting werewolves or shades of The Hills have Eyes. In fact, the film took its time, we got to know the three main characters (a little patchily, but the effort was there) were treated to some stunning views of landscape and skies, good pacing and then the horror. Nasty.
And based on a true story, but I'm guessing an imagination was used at some points.
Set in Australia, a vast, vast, country where people can do what they want, I'd say, if far enough off the beaten track. Not somewhere on top of my favourite countries to visit. Or just don't head inland.
This film definitely won't be used as a promotional video for the place, however spectacular the scenery.

And today. Last few pages of LC to go over, then back to the beginning. Must rewatch Groundhog Day...

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