What I'm concentrating on - had a revelation last night of something I haven't covered in Leaving Coty and it's a major theme in Erosion, what people who have nothing left to lose do? A newspaper guy offers Tessa a big sum of money to tell her story of Coty. Of course she says no, but what would happen if she was so destitute that this would save her from the streets? No welfare system, no family, no back up. What would you do? What would I do? I've always wondered how I'd react if put to the test. Save myself rather than someone else? I think it's my biggest nightmare. I don't think I'd come out very well morally if I was in say, Belsen or Auswitz. I hope I would, but I don't know. Save myself at the cost of someone else, when really pushed to the limit?
So, when a sum of money for selling your story to the papers would save you from selling yourself, then would you do it? Would I do it? Would Tessa?
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