This seems to be cropping up all the time at the moment. I'm writing about the possibility of second chances in Leaving Coty, watched a film, The Lake House, on television last night which is about the second chance of capturing a love. And an article in the Sunday Times magazine from a few weeks ago about an author, Stephen Benatar, who by rights, due to the review of his books (some published by a company he had to set up himself to do so) is, after decades of rejections taken up by a big American publisher. Mr. Benatar is English. He sells his books himself. His books haven't sold in vast numbers because he hasn't had a power house publisher behind him and he isn't well known like Jordan or, Dan Brown or JK Rowling, though his books are extremely well written and touch the reader emotionally. Now, he is getting a second chance of his books being widely read, and that is what he says he wants. He doesn't want his books forgotten, unread. It's what most authors want, I'd say.
And the second chance thing cropped up somewhere else too. Then there's Gordon Brown...and the spanish bullfighter, Jose Thomas who retired from bullfighting, found life wasn't worth living without it, so came back to fight a bull in Mexico and his leg was gored. A second chance. For the bull? He, Jose Thomas, has survived, but I suppose, when we think about it factually, apart from being painless, don't we all want to die doing the thing we love? Bullfighting painless? Mmm...
So, am I going to pop it in my chair, fingers frozen to the keys? Think I'd prefer a pen in my hand. Could drop when I'm dancing.
Where has this come from after second chances? I'm drifing. Seems to be one of those days. Dull and grey outside. Going to edit. Mustn't let LC be dull and grey.
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