Thank you to all who came to the 'Meeting Coty' talk/reading and the poetry readings last night Upstairs at The Lloyd's as part of the Chorlton Arts Festival. It was a great room, welcoming people and an enjoyable evening. The wine afterwards helped too.
If anyone feels the urge, has the time, would like to email me their comments on the evening, or in fact anything(?), that would be helpful and I'll comment back too...
Hopefully see some of you at other events this week. There is Elaine Bousfield's Launch of her fantasy fiction book, "The Jewel Keepers", 8pm, upstairs at The Lloyd's on Wilbraham Road. And afterwards, music downstairs.
Thursday, I'm going to Lip Service's latest production - a look at the world of celebrity. Knowing their take on things, it should be hilarious.
And this Saturday, if you're in Oldham town centre, Juba do Leao are performing. Fantastic!!! Can't wait. I love dancing with the band. Such a buzz.
Hi Ruth, Alan here. Just a quick check to see if comments are working on your blog.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the night, and good to see that you're still writing - it takes persistence!
ReplyDeleteHello... I am interested in Kings Hart Publishers. I wrote my first novel and am interested in possibly using this publisher. I am interested in knowing how your experiance with them is working. Thanks for your help. I am new to this and wondering where to go and what to do next. I can not afford to make expensive mistakes and would value your opinion. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteHi Genevieve. You message really threw me as my eldest daughter is called Genevieve and I thought, "I didn't know you'd written a book!" I checked that she wasn't having a joke with me and no, she hasn't written anything! So. Congratulations on finishing your novel. What is it about? Have a look on the Kings Hart Website and you'll see that they publish a variety of books. If they like the book, they'll publish it. "Meeting Coty" was generally deemed too short for the mainstream publishers - all seemed to quote the magic, it has to be over 80,000 words. Kings Hart are fairly new to this and are a small publisher, so they don't have the money or resources to put in to publicity, so that seems to be the only draw back for me and the books retail at a higher price, but they look good. However, they are a legitmate publisher and although they don't give you an advance, you don't pay anything! And they care about the books and will put themselves out for you. When MC was first published, I didn't make an effort re. appearances, talks etc and now I'm going to do that. The writers that do this and have a niche market seem to do best. A novel is harder because they are so many out there, but if you have something personal about you or about the book, or where you work...then that can help. They wanted film rights for the book as that was the way they thought they'd get some money back. I can tell you more about this if you want - had to negotiate the percentages, but didn't feel in a position to bargain too much as I was keen just to get the book out there. They want first refusal on the second novel, but this is normal. They also want what is best for an author, so are willing to talk about things, not that I have had to do that yet.
ReplyDeleteI can email you direct about anything further if you want to email me. Hope this helps.