Last night I watched the original version of the film, Rollerball, starring James Caan. The use of classical music in violent films was quite prevelant at the time, I seem to remember. The Clockwork Orange, though Beethoven is detailed in the book, Apocolypse Now, 2001.
Very effective. I'd forgotten how good the film is. It introduces the game of Rollerball so well. The parties felt very "Roman orgy -ish" without much going on. Chilling in the summarising of books by the computer. A more clever film than I recall. And Jonathan E. Ahhh.
And today. Today, Chorlton Arts Festival begins and I'm editing and editing the first chapter of Leaving Coty. The more I seem to write, the more I edit other parts. This chapter could turn into a life time's work.
Bought some liquourice allsorts as well yesterday to have on my stall for the festival launch. They are the sweets du jour for Meeting Coty. Not keen, myself. I love the soft australian liquourice. I could eat a whole packet at once. Now that is syrupy like a long Jerez de la Frontera afternoon. Think I might have to pop to Holland and Barrett. Instead, I'm drinking tea. Yorkshire tea, so it is good and strong.
Work. Back to that chapter. I will crack it today. If I'm not back another day, take it I've been engulfed. Unto the breach...