I've just had pointed out to me a new book on Amazon and available elsewhere about Francois Coty, the perfume maker. It's titled, "Francois Coty: Frangrance, Power, Money" by Roulhac Toledano and Elizabeth Coty. It's in hardback.
Whilst researching Francois Coty for my novel, "Meeting Coty" I found out what a fascinating life this man had. He was the most successful and richest perfume maker of his generation. He introduced what we take for granted now as perfume in interesting bottles, of packaging, themed displays, mass marketing, mass production, making perfume affordable for everyone. He wasn't just a brilliant perfume maker but also a salesman and business man. His innovations seem forgotten now. If they are recognised now through a renewed interest in the man, this is good news. Alan Sugar should take note! Beat Coty if you can.
As 'Meeting Coty' only touches on Francois Coty's life, so 'Leaving Coty' deals in depth with it. Tessa gets beneath his skin. And when that happens, when you grow to care for someone, it is never as easy as you would think to leave them. Even though I wanted to finish a relationship with a past boyfriend, it took me over a year to actually do so. Ties can be stronger than we imagine and letting them go isn't a case of you being in control, it's when the ties allow themselves to break.
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